Les vampires Inner Circle
Grouping 2
Al-Ashrad, Amr of Alamut | Alexandra Arika Etrius | Gwendolyn Harrod Leandro Stanislava |
Adana de Sforza Hardestadt Josef von Bauren | Lutz von Hohenzollern Mistress Fanchon Rafael de Corazon |
Liste des cartes de Library qui requièrent un Vampire Inner Circle
Absolution of the Diabolist Blood Hunt Closed Session | Imperial Decree Legacy of Power Wrath of the Inner Circle |
Liste des Vampires liés aux Vampires Inner Circle
Al-Ashrad, Amr of Alamut | Enzo Giovanni, Pentex Board of Directors | Mary Anne Blaire Theo Bell | |
Liste des cartes de library liées aux Vampires Inner Circle
Blood Hunt Fear of Mekhet | Protect Thine Own |