Bait and Switch Banner of Neutrality Bind the Night-Walker Car Bomb Cardinal Sin: Failure of Mission Cardinal Sin: Insubordination Conflict of Interests Coterie Tactics Deadliest Sin, The Delaying Tactics Elder Intervention Elder Michaelis's Hold Eluding the Arms of Morpheus Familial Bond Fillip Follow the Blood Forced Awakening High Orun Irregular Protocol Keep it Simple Knotted Cord Legacy of Power Legwork
| Lost in Translation Ministry Minor Irritation Mistaken Identity Mob Rule Oath, The On the Qui Vive Open Dossier Organized Resistance Pack Tactics Poison Pill Political Backlash Power of All Protected District Protection Racket Second Tradition: Domain Supernatural Resistance Surprise Influence Terra Incognita Truth in Ink Unholy Radiance Wake with Evening's Freshness Watch Commander